Summer School on Corpus Phonology

18-22 August 2008

University of Augsburg, Germany

Organised by the
European CorPho group

Web Site of the CorPho 2008 Summer School

The CorPho 2008 Summer School focuses on the newly emerging field of corpus phonology – the use of purpose-built phonological corpora of spoken language for the study of speakers’ and listeners’ knowledge of the sound system of their native languages, the laws underlying such sound systems as well as their acquisition in first and second language learning. The field of corpus phonology combines methods and theoretical approaches from phonology, both diachronic and synchronic, phonetics, corpus linguistics, speech technology, text technology, computer science, mathematics and statistics. It is the aim of the summer school to bring together experts from these disciplines. Scholars from other disciplines have been invited as keynote speakers in order to initiate new interdisciplinary co-operation.

PhD students and post-doc researchers from various backgrounds (for example, phonology, phonetics, language variation, language acquisition, computer science, language engineering, text technology, statistics), who are working in or planning to work in corpus phonology, are invited to join the summer school. It offers one week of intensive study of the complete process of corpus phonology starting from spoken corpora design, through to data collection and annotation, corpus searches and automatic corpus analyses to finally corpus sharing and corpus dissemination on the web.